After installing yt-dlp and ffmpeg you can run the following command to download a youtube video and convert it to an instagram reel.
yt-dlp -o ski.webm
and then
ffmpeg -i ski.webm -ss 00:01:25 -to 00:02:30 -filter_complex "[0:v]crop=1080:1920:(iw-1080)/2:(ih-1920)/2[v]" -map "[v]" -map "0:a?" -c:v libx264 -c:a copy output.mp4
The first command, yt-dlp, is a modern and updated version of youtube-dl
. You suppodely can do features like grab specific timestamps of the a youtube video, but I also read it can take longer than just downloading the whole video. I tried to use youtube-dl but it was downloading videos painfully slow.
The second command is your typical ffmpeg command. We are taking an input:
-i ski.webm
and then we are specifying a start time:
-ss 00:01:25
and an end time:
-to 00:02:30
We are then cropping the video to be 1080x1920:
-filter_complex "[0:v]crop=1080:1920:(iw-1080)/2:(ih-1920)/2[v]"
. We are then mapping the video and audio:
-map "[v]" -map "0:a?"
We are then specifying the video codec:
-c:v libx264
and the audio codec:
-c:a copy
And finally we are specifying the output file: